John McAfee’s Fee to Tweet About Your Crypto Project Is $105,000 — Per Tweet

Cybersecurity tycoon John McAfee has remade himself into a self-styled “crypto visionary” and is offering his promotional influence for any takers.

The price for a single pro-crypto tweet? A cool $105,000.

The flamboyant computer software pioneer, once a “person of interest” in a Belize murder case, now flaunts his promotional prowess on initial coin offerings (ICOs).

Want proof? Just ask him.

“John McAfee’s tweets are by far the most influential in the field of cryptocurrency,” claims his own promotional team.

“Within the cryptocurrency industry, nothing can match the power of a McAfee tweet.”

“Frequently, a single tweet has resulted in more than a million dollars of investment into an ICO, and multiple currencies have increased more than 100 percent in price from a single tweet,” they claim.

McAfee tweeted his ICO promotional offer to his 811,000 Twitter followers. He also tweets out links to a webpage for his “McAfee Crypto Team.”

The McAfee Crypto Team webpage features a guide designed to instruct clients on how to hire hire McAfee to promote ICOs.

SEC crosshairs

As McAfee announced his ICO promotional monetizing plans, McAfee unabashedly dared clients to try his services.

“It’s self-aggrandizing and ego-stroking for us,” McAfee wrote.

“However, if you’re planning an ICO, trying to boost a coin, or want to shine a light on your latest project, you should overlook our swollen egos and see,” he continued.

He claimed that one promotional tweet about an unnamed cryptocurrency caused its trading value to spike from between 50% to over 350%.

He also claimed that he is publicizing his promotional fee to ward off regulatory attention.

“I decided to go public with it because I am an advisor to many of these companies and I know that I’m in the cross-hairs of the SEC [US Securities and Exchange Commission], so it is in my interests to prove transparency,” continued McAfee.

An ICO is fundraising initiative to attract investors to finance cryptocurrency-related business start-ups.

Investors and financiers buy tokens during an ICO, before a cryptocurrency launches.

To back his claim of expertise, McAfee stated that 259,000 of his Twitter followers “have more than 50% of their total assets in cryptocurrencies.”