7 Ways to Slash Your Grocery Bill by Half

Most of us spend the biggest chunk of our monthly budgets on groceries. What we spend in the grocery store plays a vital role in maintaining or breaking our monthly budget.

Naturally, grocery stores always have a bagful of marketing tricks to make you spend more.

It is up to us to look for ways to save money without losing out on the quality of our shopping cart’s contents.

Here are seven simple but useful tips to help you cruise through the aisles like a savvy shopper and lower your grocery bill by half at the same time.

Make a list and stick to it

You could end up buying more than you need if you go to the grocery store without a clear shopping plan in your mind. Sit down and plan ahead by jotting down what you may need for the month.

You can also use apps to help you plan for your meals and the ingredients you might require for them.

Once you have a list in your hand, be committed to it. Do not let an enticing offer lure you into picking up something that you may not need at all.

Take an inventory

Before sitting down to prepare your grocery list, take a stock of the items you have in your pantry. You will not be able to save money if you buy an item at the grocery store only to realize when you return home that you already have that item.

Use an online inventory list template to make a list of your pantry items, regularly update it, and keep the list along with your grocery shopping list and menu planner.

This way you will have ready information of what you have at all times to help you avoid buying items that you already have in stock.

Buy in bulk

This advice comes with a disclaimer: Do this only if you are sure of using the item before it expires, not just because it seems like a good deal.

Buy only those items that you use regularly and which also have a fairly long shelf life.

Prefer store brands

If you get past the pull of the name brands to try a store brand you are more than likely to discover that you can save money without having to sacrifice quality.

After all, the store didn’t make that can of green beans. They bought it from a major food producer, changed the label and lowered the price, that’s all.

In fact, this can be a crucial tip to lower your grocery bill if you practice it regularly instead of making an exception when you are going over your budget.

Browse the discount aisle

Many grocery stores have a special rack or aisle for items that may be close to their expiry dates or not likely to be restocked, like slightly dated bakery items and discontinued wines.

Often, you can find great deals with items that you can get at literally half the price or even less. The store needs to get rid of the inventory that would be a total loss if it remains unsold.

Shop around

Browse the ad section to look for better deals from other stores. I would not readily endorse driving around to several grocery stores all over town and burn gas worth more than you will end up saving.

However, if a deal at another store helps shave $20 to $30 off your regular grocery bill, it might be worth looking into.

Use coupons

Look for store-specific coupons in the Sunday paper inserts, and especially coupons that offer $10 off $50 in spending.

You could find coupons for the items that are on your shopping list, or if you shop at that particular store. Many stores accept other stores’ coupons as well.

Sometimes the grocery stores do not have store coupons, but they accept manufacturer coupons. You can find these in the Sunday paper or print them from websites such as Coupons.com and from the websites of the stores themselves.